Benefits of extra virgin olive oil

 Benefits of extra virgin olive oil

The benefits of virgin olive oil for the body are many, which may exceed the benefits of regular olive oil. Learn here everything about the benefits of virgin olive oil, including its benefits for heart health, and whether it helps fight cancer.

Virgin olive oil is extracted from olive fruits, using cold pressing technology or stone pressing, and it is not filtered, therefore, it is less processed compared to regular olive oil.

The benefits of virgin olive oil can exceed the benefits of regular olive oil. Virgin olive oil contains a high percentage of polyphenols and antioxidant compounds, part of which is usually lost when the oil is exposed to heat or chemicals, as happens when preparing regular olive oil.

Benefits of virgin olive oil for the heart

One of the most important benefits of extra virgin olive oil is its contribution to reducing heart disease. It contains monosaturated fats, the most important of which is oleic acid, which plays a major role in increasing high-density lipoprotein (the good cholesterol) that is beneficial for the health of the heart and arteries and reducing lipoprotein. Low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol), the high level of which causes much harm to the health of the heart and arteries

Also, the benefits of virgin olive oil for the heart can be due to one of the following reasons:

Reducing the oxidation of harmful cholesterol.

Improving the health of blood vessels and their inner lining.

Reducing blood pressure, virgin olive oil can expand blood vessels

Reducing inflammation.

Controlling blood clotting, as it reduces the occurrence of abnormal blood clots that can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Benefits of virgin olive oil for cancer:

One of the potential benefits of virgin olive oil is its contribution to the prevention of cancer because it has many beneficial properties and compounds, including:

It contains a high percentage of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and reduce the oxidative stress of free radicals, which are considered cancer-causing factors.

It has anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains oleic acid, which acts as an antioxidant and has been found to potentially slow down the growth and spread of cancer cells

Among the types of cancers that extra virgin olive oil can be useful for preventing are breast cancer and digestive system cancer.

Benefits of virgin olive oil for the brain:

The polyphenolic compounds contained in extra virgin olive oil can slow the development of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. In addition to their antioxidant properties, they help prevent the accumulation of proteins known as beta-amyloid plaques in some nerve cells in the brain, which have a role in causing the disease. Alzheimer's.

Benefits of virgin olive oil for bones:

Eating extra virgin olive oil can help improve bone health and density, and it can also reduce the incidence of bone fractures caused by osteoporosis, including hip fractures.

The potential benefits of virgin olive oil for bones are due to it containing vitamin K, in addition to polyphenol compounds. However, more studies are still needed on these benefits of virgin olive oil.


Benefits of virgin olive oil for diabetes:

Virgin olive oil can be beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes, as it contributes to reducing chronic inflammation, which plays a role in diabetes and diabetes syndrome.

Virgin olive oil contains oleicin, oleocanthal, and other compounds that help reduce inflammation. Also, the oleic acid found in extra virgin olive oil can reduce C-reactive protein, which is involved in the inflammatory response in the body.

Benefits of virgin olive oil for the skin:

The benefits of virgin olive oil for the face and skin may not differ from those provided by regular olive oil, and these benefits may include the following:

Moisturizing the skin.

Treating skin diseases caused by infections, thanks to its antibacterial properties.

Treating skin diseases caused by infections, such as eczema and psoriasis

Reducing wrinkles.

Skin rejuvenation and treatment of scars and wound effects.

Benefits of virgin olive oil for hair:

Also, virgin olive oil can be used for hair as is the case with regular olive oil, as it can help:

Moisturizing hair.

Treatment of hair split ends.

Dandruff treatment.

Fighting head lice.

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